Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Daily Rant: 3/1/11

As the month of March takes it's first steps in 2011, sports fans have begun to show symptoms of baseball fever. This is the beginning; of daily check-ups of the back sports pages covering spring training games and  of fans are watching closely as their favorite teams play split squad scrimmages. They now are also starting to share their NBA attention with baseball and if you watch closely, you might see an episode of Baseball Tonight on at 3pm in the afternoon at bars and in fans' homes. The fun part for all is that the start of baseball always coincides with the start of nice weather and the abandonment of winter funk and clothes. Even if fans know that their baseball team doesn't have much of a chance, the excitement surrounding this time of the year is hard to contain if you like baseball. It's a long, long season and watching spring training scrimmages and games can make it even longer, but as the circle of life continues to spin, inside every baseball fan is a bug that comes back to sicken them with fever, longing and hope that their team will rule the coming summer. Enjoy this time of the year baseball fans, for it might not be long before you are cursing the very same team that gave you this bug.

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