Prominent and big name baseball players have been identified as steroid and performance enhancing drug users. Some have admitted it, some have not. Some were part of the 104 players that tested positive in 2003 and some just look unnaturally like pro wrestlers giving way to the curiosity of how they got to look like that. It has become a way of life for fans and players to find out almost daily that another player tested positive at some point or that he has been linked to BALCO or that he has just drastically grown in size and his power numbers are through the roof. The saddest part is that baseball has been changed forever, it's integrity will never be the same and the time when players and gamers alike gave all they had and exposed their true love for baseball, is now gone.....
Should this current time in baseball really be known as the "Steroid Era"?? And is it an acceptable way to look at the records achieved during this "era" as tainted???
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