Saturday, April 19, 2008

Our Country

I just finished watching the Documentary by Michael Moore, "Sicko", and I am appalled yet not surprised by the content of the film. I knew that our (America's) health care system was far below the standards of any other countries, but I wasn't aware of how bad it was. I wasn't really that surprised to know that England and France had National Health Care Systems, I was surprised to know that Cuba, had readily available health care, pharmaceuticals and medical services for their citizens just like the other European countries. I am ashamed at us (Americans) that our Government won't give us the opportunity to all have the same health care no matter what our social class level. In the Documentary, there were plenty of Americans living in France enjoying the free health care for themselves and especially their children. If you haven't seen this film, you should, even if you are a staunch Republican or Right Wing activist, it will make you think about humanity as whole, not as a bi-partisan society.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, our country (the good ole USA) is motivated by greed and money. This probably has everything to do with the present day dilemma of our health care system!!!!